Webinar Boost food development

Webinar : Boost food development and processing workflows with rheology that drives results.

Boost food development and processing workflows with rheology that drives results.
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Boost food development and processing workflows with rheology that drives results.

Watch Webinar

This webinar covers the basics of food rheology demonstrated with practical examples of real-world processes for critical food factors such as:

  • Mouthfeel, spreadability, processability
  • Time and temperature dependent behavior
  • Filling behavior and extensional rheology
  • Aggregation and disaggregation along with thixotropy

You can benefit from this webinar if you’re involved in the development, characterization or testing of food products and their processability.

Visit our Rheology of Food web page, or contact us about Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ MARS™ rheometers to spur your business forward.