Optical and Force tensiometers

Showing all 12 results

    • Static contact angle
      Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
    • Dynamic contact angle
      Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and roll-off angle
    • Surface free energy
      Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
    • Surface- and interfacial tension
      Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods
    • Roughness-corrected contact angle and 3D surface roughness
      Fringe projection phase shifting method
    • Interfacial dilatational rheology
      Pulsating drop method


  • Features & Benefits

    • Compact and robust design with high quality imaging. It is a convenient entry-level instrument for routine measurements, educational use and quality control.
    • Theta Lite comes with OneAttension Software. The modern and user-friendly software reflects over 20 years of experience and close co-operation with our customers.  Its flexibility enables easy implementation of customized features and functionalities for special demands.
    • Attension’s extensive service and application support team helps you get the best from your instrument. Pre-studies can be conducted in an AttensionLab to assess the feasibility of your research, test samples for verification, and to demonstrate the suitability of our tensiometers for your research.


    Technical Specifications

  • Contact angle meter for all your measurement needs. Theta Flex is designed to fit both research and quality control.

    • Static contact angle
      Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
    • Dynamic contact angle
      Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and roll-off angle
    • Surface free energy
      Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods
    • Surface- and interfacial tension
      Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods
    • Roughness-corrected contact angle and 3D surface roughness
      Fringe projection phase shifting method
    • Interfacial dilatational rheology
      Pulsating drop method


  • Features & Benefits

    • Integrated method enabling to define contact angle and surface roughness accurately from the same location and to combine both surface chemical and topographical data with automated software calculations.
    • Offers fast surface characterization method, which does not demand specialist to run the samples.
    • Versatile roughness measurement: both 2D and 3D characterization..


  • Features & Benefits

    • Interfacial tension and contact angle measurements in high pressures and temperatures. Automatic analysis by OneAttension software will provide the results easily and quickly.
    • Optimal for mimicking oil reservoir conditions. Interfacial tension and contact angle give an accurate and quantitative measure of the wettability in reservoirs.
    • Unique piston design enables to use surfactants also in high pressures with constant concentrations.

    Product Overview

    Theta Range Brochur


  • Optical tensiometer especially suitable for interfacial rheology with the pulsating drop method.

    • Interfacial dilatational rheology 
      Pulsating drop method
    • Surface- and interfacial tension
      Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods
    • Static contact angle
      Sessile drop, captive bubble, and meniscus methods
    • Surface free energy
      Sessile drop, captive bubble, and meniscus methods
    • Dynamic contact angle
      Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis, and roll-off angle
    • Roughness-corrected contact angle and 3D surface roughness
      Fringe projection phase shifting method


  • Contact angle meter that measures the wettability on small areas effectively.

    • Static contact angle even on areas smaller than 100 µm
      Sessile drop
    • Surface free energy
      Sessile drop, captive bubble and meniscus methods 
    • Roughness-corrected contact angle and 3D surface roughness 
      Fringe projection phase shifting method 
    • Dynamic contact angle
      Dynamic contact angle, advancing and receding contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and roll-off angle 
    • Surface- and interfacial tension
      Pendant drop and reverse pendant drop methods 
    • Interfacial dilatational rheology
      Pulsating drop method


  • State of the art force tensiometers with outstanding versatility and high level of automation.

    • Surface tension
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Interfacial tension
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Critical Micelle Concentration
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Dynamic contact angle
      Wilhelmy methods
    • Surface free energy
      Based on contact angle measurements
    • Powder wettability
      Washburn method
    • Density
      Density probe
    • Sedimentation
      Sedimentation probe
    • Adhesion force
      Liquid droplet pull-off method


  • Fully automated critical micelle concentration (CMC) determination with high accuracy.

    • Critical Micelle Concentration
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Surface tension
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Interfacial tension
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Dynamic contact angle
      Wilhelmy methods
    • Surface free energy
      Based on contact angle measurements
    • Powder wettability
      Washburn method
    • Density
      Density probe
    • Sedimentation
      Sedimentation probe
    • Adhesion force
      Liquid droplet pull-off method


  • A standalone force tensiometer with automated sample stage for precise measurements. Easy to operate.

    • Surface tension
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Interfacial tension
      Du Noüy ring method
    • Critical Micelle Concentration
      Manual measurements with Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Density
      Density probe


  • Transformer Oil Analyzer specifically designed for measurements of interfacial tension of transformer oil according to relevant standards.

    • Oil-water interfacial tension 
      Measured with a Du Noüy ring in accordance to the ASTM D971 and IEC 62961 standards
    • Surface tension
      Du Noüy ring method
    • Interfacial tension
      Du Noüy ring method
    • Critical Micelle Concentration
      Manual measurements with Du Noüy ring
    • Density
      Density probe


  • A manual standalone force tensiometer. Easy to use and perfect for simple measurements of surface tension and interfacial tension.

    • Surface tension
      Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Interfacial tension
      Du Noüy ring method
    • Critical Micelle Concentration
      Manual measurements with Du Noüy ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
    • Density
      Density probe


Showing all 12 results