Application of 3D Confocal Raman and Correlative Techniques for in vivo and in vitro Studies
Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th of August, 2017
Room R05.210 (capacity of 100)
CHUM Pavilion R
900, rue St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec
H2X 0A9
Spectra Research Corporation (SRC) is pleased to announce the upcoming WITec seminar and workshop on the Application of 3D Confocal Raman and Correlative Techniques for in vivo and in vitro Studies. This 2 day event will include the following:
- Probing formation and function of biological tissues with Raman Spectroscopy
- Introduction to Correlative 3D Raman Imaging
- Probing Brain Tissues by Confocal Raman microscopy
- Dynamic SERS optophysiology
- A New Approach for High Speed, High Lateral and Specral Resolution in Raman Imaging: Introduction and Live demonstration
- Group workshop: the same workshop is being offered twice due to space limitations. Please indicate which time slot works best for you. DO NOT register for both as the same material/information will be presented during each workshop. If you are unable to attend either workshop, we are accepting registrations for the seminar only.
- One-on-one demonstrations: Individual demonstration of the Alpha3000R Raman microscope from WITec: bring your samples for testing (separate registration)
- Complimentary coffee and lunch breaks will be provided on Wednesday by WITec and SRC
The first day of the event will include the seminar and a group workshop. The second day will cover individual demos. When you register, if you are interested in an individual demo, please fill out the questions asked and you will be contacted if selected. Space is limited, so please register now!
Who Should Attend
Both new and experienced Raman users, including scientists and researchers from life sciences, pharma, material sciences, and other fields that use Raman spectroscopy.
Register Now